Saturday, August 22, 2009

T-11 Days

Here we are. Just sitting around waiting for IVF.  I said in my last post that I am feeling a little like this isn't really happening.   Yet today, after counting the actual days until we begin suppression (Lupron shots every day to shut down  my ovaries entirely so that Dr. B can have total control blahblahblah) I have a little flutter of...anticipation. Finally, this seems to be happening. In like 11 days. 11 days.  Can I stand the wait? Will there be disappointment? Further delays?  
We're expecting our "big box o' medications" (as it has come to be known in the IVF community) on Tuesday.  I am having the big box o' meds delivered to my workplace so that I can have total control over them from the minute they arrive within 200 yards of me.  It will take supreme self control not to hover over them every minute until I get them home to my mean fridge...
If I could have a fridge installed onto my person, I would.  And in that fridge? My big box o' meds.  That's right.  

Did you know that there are entities known as "specialty pharmacies"?  I wish I didn't know.  My big box o' meds will come from such a pharmacy.  

I'll post a picture of my big box o' meds this week after injection teaching.  We, 2 seasoned nurse practitioners [winkwink], must be instructed on the administration of these injections.  I'm the patient.  Gregg is the husband of the patient. Sue, IVF nurse supreme and my current number 1 lady, says that nurse patients are the biggest wimps about these injections.  I'll let you know, but i think she's correct. 

We've started watching Battlestar Galactica season 4.5 this week, which has reacquainted me with my obvious cylon origin.  Something about IVF is very...modern. I guess post-modern would be the term.  Maybe post-post modern.  I apologize for obscure references.  

Big box o' meds, coming right up.

1 comment:

  1. I doubt nurses are the biggest injection wimps. My injection "teaching" took only a few minutes...and she didn't make either one of us 'practice' on the face butt tissue. It was just a matter of showing us the order of mixing the meds.

    You'll be fine.

    Congrats on getting the ball rolling!
