Thursday, April 23, 2009

complementary my dear watson

ah so.  we’ve decided to prepare ourselves for ivf, or the stress inherent therein, by having acupuncture done to us.  according to chinese medicine, we should do this for several months prior to conception attempts to help our bodies achieve homeostasis. 

today we each had our first session with Dr. D.  neither of us has ever tried acupuncture before today, so we were each curious about how this experience would pan out.  it was great.  Dr. D reminds me of a nice, less creepy version of johnny depp’s willy wonka.  interestingly, he also drives a white mini (there are only 3 minis in town).  he said, whilst comparing white minis, “you mean, i don’t have to pay 600 f’n dollars for runflats?!”  in that moment, i learned something new about myself: an acupuncturist who drops f-bombs is right up my alley.  

so, of course, gregg is perfect. strong qi (chi or life energy). after feeling my pulse Dr. D determined that i’m severely heart qi and spleen qi deficient and a little liver qi deficient.  i’m not sure what this means, but i’m not supposed to let my feet get cold EVER AGAIN, and i have to stop allowing people (read: patients) to take over my qi, or something.  apparently acupuncture will fix these things and after today, i’m inclined to believe it.  actually, he told me he knew my feet were always cold after he looked at my tongue. 

anyway, the needles went in, i rested, and felt pretty good after.  okay, i felt drunk.  Dr. D laughed when i said that i felt minty in my abdominal region.  gregg, who is skeptical as a rule, says he felt energy swirling in his palms.  Dr. D said that my feet are my womb and my ears are upside-down fetuses. cool.  we’re going back in ten days. 

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