Saturday, September 19, 2009

Day 7 Follicle Report (and stuff)

Today the news is good on all fronts...the mood has stabilized, for one, and for this we can all be glad.  We went for the estrogen and follicle check this morning, but saw a different doc than usual because it's the weekend and she was the one on call.  My estrogen is now 1912 blahblahs per blahblah on day 7 of Follistim and is therefore nearly doubling daily.  Dr. R  found 32 follicles but before anyone freaks out, the way that I nearly did but didn't because there was an ultrasound "wand", er, where the sun doesn't shine, she said that the small ones don't really count, so I really have 18 meaningful follicles and they're gettin' big.  I now have to go to the clinic every morning.  This means we're getting close.  They may do the egg retrieval on Wednesday.  I can really feel my big ovaries today.  They don't hurt...they're just...present.  I'm sure I'll be bloated before too long.  Yeah, okay, I'm already bloated.