Wednesday, September 30, 2009

35th 2ww

I am living proof that one can survive, and even thrive, without internet access for 3 days.  Holy moly... I have not been able to Google queries such as:

1dp3dt symptoms
2dp3dt symptoms
3dp3dt symptoms
when to pee on a stick
how often is it considered sane to pee on a stick
progesterone in oil side effects
when should i feel symptoms
what is a "good" number of blasts to have left to freeze?
early pregnancy symptoms
very early pregnancy symptoms
things to do during the longest 2 weeks of one's life

It's great that I have had 3 unencumbered days of naps, and walks and knitting and reading...
But now, the Goog is back.  I am proud to say that I have not consulted the Google yet on the above questions because I really wanted to communicate our updates.

First of all, 4 of our 14 remaining embryos survived to cryopreservation (freezing).  When I first heard this, I felt a dark, cold panic deep inside my heart.  Then I realized that many couples do not have any embryos make it to this stage.  So we're the lucky ones.  It means we have 2 more chances if the 2 currently residing in my womb opt out.  I have attended the requisite acupuncture and have listened to my hypnotherapy cd diligently daily to encourage both of them to opt in.  Also, I am super glad they did a 3 day transfer instead of a 5 day.  We could have had even  fewer to freeze.  The frozen embryos are known as "frosties".  I like it.

Secondly, I actually don't mind the nightly muscular progesterone in olive oil shots.  Really. The subcutaneous shots were worse I think.  I sit on a heating pad for 5 minutes prior, then I get a shot in the rear and it's no biggie.  I was a bit nervous about this, for no reason turns out.  Clinical me knows that this is because there are not as many nerves in the haunch as the belly... but whatever.  If I'm pregnant, I will have to do this for 6 weeks.  One can dream.

Also, I remember when I didn't know we were having trouble getting pregnant and I saw lingo like "3dp3dt" and had no idea what this could possibly mean.  I a big girl now.  It means "3 days post 3 day transfer".  That's where I'm at.  

How many 2 week waits have I endured on this quest? Around 34.  I should know how to deal with it by now.  I think this is just about my 35th 2 week wait...  That is a bit excessive.  The wait thus far has been rather mellow.  I know that I won't have symptoms until early next week if any at all. 

I peed on a stick to see if the pregnancy hormone used to trigger ovulation was out of my system... it wasn't.  I think that I'll pee on a stick on Sunday (7dp3dt) but I'll see what the Goog says.  The real test isn't until October 8th, next thursday... hey! Only 1 week left to wait...that seems nice.  

I'll post embryo pics tomorrow, in the meantime, here are flowers that sort of look like our embryo picture.  Thank you to all for your support.  


  1. Isn't it strange to step away from Dr.Google and kind of let the mind just be? My husband told me that all of my freak outs come from Dr.Google. He's right. :D Can't wait to see the embryos!

  2. Hi Cymande: hope you are hanging in there. just an fyi... i had nooooo symptoms except for horrible cramps which had me convinced it didn't work. I balled to my husband and starting planning my next cycle but it worked times 2... never really had any first trimester symptoms either... I tested a fews days before my blood test too b/c our office made us wait a full 2 weeks from the 5dt... craziness.

    sending so many good thoughts your way!!! Keri

  3. Yaaaah, a new update! Did you choose not to use the internet because the doc told you not to be close to a computer? I've heard some docs tell their patients that and I'm actually contemplating it for 48 hours after the transfer. I wonder if my iPhone counts as a computer? ;) Anyway, so happy to hear that things are going well. I was also worried about the PIO shots but they aren't as bad as they look. The needles are just a tad intimidating at first sight. Hopefully this is your last 2ww! Good luck!


  4. thanks for updates you guys are in my thoughts constantly. yeah, stay away from dr. google...
    i'd be the same way though :)

  5. Stick embies stick!!! Keep the faith & know we are all sending lots of positive vibes! :)
