Wednesday, May 19, 2010

36 weeks

We made it to 36 weeks. Holy schmoly. Earlier this week, I hit a new level of discomfort, but that has suddenly passed. I couldn't breathe, eat, go to the bathroom or sleep on either side. It was teary jaw clenching discomfort. After about 2 days and nights of this, I was very cranky. I considered renting a lay-z-boy. I was all about desperation and irritability. I was irrational. I thought, hey! Gregg could just do a c-section the kitchen... just stopped. I can breathe, I'm even hungry again. I slept through the night (besides pee breaks every 90 minutes.) It sucked, but it's gone today and I am rejoicing and just trying to relax my jaw. The boys were already low, but they must have moved even lower.

We went to several appointments yesterday. The report is awesome. The boys' estimated weights are 7# and 6# (wowie!!!). The tech couldn't really get great measurements on the 6 pounder because he's more posterior, so she thinks he may actually be bigger. Apparetnly these measurements can be off by about 1/2# either way. They have dropped into my pelvis, but they're still breech as expected. My cervix is dilated 1 cm. Yippeeee!! Things are happening. I have contractions on my appointment days because of the activity and long ride, but not really when I'm at home. I'm spilling a little protein in my urine, but my blood pressure is fine, so no one is concerned. We were a little concerned about the size difference and hoped to get another growth check later this week, but we were reassured and no follow up scan was scheduled.

I tried my best to convince them that we could just schedule the c-section anytime now, but they saw me coming and said no way lady. Every patient tries this I'm sure. I tried to use the size difference as a reason. No. The protein? NO. The fact that they don't have the correct due date (it's 3 days later than the real one because of a charting error)? No, no, NO! They're going to let the babies tell us when they want to come, which I agree with in my normal state of mind, but we're so ready that I'm not rational. They did say that they didn't think I would last another whole week. This is exciting to hear, but the Goog says never to listen to that kind of prediction, so I'm trying not to. After the internal exam, I had some spotting. I got super excited about this, but nothing came of it. It feels strange hoping for contractions, cramping, spotting, a mucus plug, water breaking, swelling so bad that they have to take them out because they suspect pre-eclampsia. I have been warding these things off for so long. Now I'm looking for ways to induce labor. I'm drinking the raspberry leaf tea. I plan on taking an actual walk. I'm thinking I need to go for more rides down our washboard dirt road. We might even do IT. Yeah, that.

I invested in a couple of bedwetting pads to have under me in case my water breaks, which only happens to like 50% of women, but I'm hopeful. I figured we could use them for the boys for the inevitable bedwetting in their future. One is on the couch, one on the bed. It's very clinical, for such a monumental moment. Waiting for the primordial soup to make a big ol' primordial mess.

Our astrologer friend says go for the libra moon that's coming this weekend. If only I could control this...

Let's go babies! It's nice out here!

I wish we had a pool.


  1. I know you're uncomfortable and oh-so-ready. But here are a few thoughts to keep you looking on any bright side there might be, as right now:

    1. They're quiet.
    2. There are no diapers to change.
    3. You can feed them without having to stop everything you're doing. (Though you may turn out to be one of those super-women who can breastfeed and walk through the aisles of the grocery store!)
    4. You don't have fluids leaking from every orifice of your body yet.
    5. Nobody is stopping by to see the sweet babies, only to then stay for much longer than invited and thereby eliminating your only hope at a nap.
    6. Nobody is spitting up on you.

    Of course, when these things happen, they will be accompanied by the sweetest things you'll ever hold and a joy beyond comparison.

  2. I love Paul and Kari's comment! But, I also feel your pain. :)

    Congrats on making it to 36 weeks! That's wonderful! And... 7 pounds, WOW! No wonder you're uncomfortable.

    So exciting!!!

  3. YAY for 36 weeks, that's such great news. I can't wait to see pictures. And I think IT put me into labor with Ryland! ;)

  4. I'm so happy for you! I can't believe you've made it to 36 weeks and 14#s of babies! I will keep checking back until I see all of the "congratulations"! I hope everything goes without a hitch and look forward to meeting your sweet boys one day! Miss you guys! Lea
